I am creative! Writing, graphic design, photography, web design, and training are my outlets. I love what I do, and I am doing what I love.
My professional career started with enlisting in the United States Marine Corps. I met and learned from a diverse group of people, traveled a bit, and served my country. After 12 honorable years it was time to move forward.
I started my creative journey, launching my business Wright Touch Designs, telling visual stories.
Stories are the best way to distinguish yourself from other brands. It's my task to discover the most significant, and authentic stories to champion your brand and share them with the right audiences.
As a creative educator, I currently instruct students through an online graphic design program at Auburn University Office of Professional & Continuing Education.
When I'm not working I like to laze about and binge out on Netflix or any other streaming service that catches my fancy. I've recently been trying to play a few more video games but these hands and those buttons don't like to cooperate so I'm left pouting more often than not. I dabble a bit in gardening, and I have even been known to walk about nature and take a photo or two.
Throughout everything I have worked with some truly amazing people and each time I see a project completed, it reminds me how much I truly love the end result. Of course, the creative journey is fun. Interacting and helping someone see their vision come to life is an amazing feeling that has not once gotten old for me.
So, let's uncover your vision, shall we?
I Am Creative